L. Geoffrey Hallam

'My career has enabled me to experience many different aspects of work and I am keen to support GULL because it espouses a philosophy that is open-minded enough to encompass learning from life and because GULL advocates an inclusive, practical and applied approach to learning. Although academia serves a purpose, it does not permeate all the places and possibilities for lifelong learning that individuals encounter in the community and at work.

I believe that GULL has a key role to play in fostering linkages between the changing nature of work and professional development. In particular, I should like to applaud GULL’s efforts to provide access and opportunity to the low paid, the disadvantaged and the poorest. There is a significant global need to assist those without much choice or hope and GULL is doing this by utilizing action learning as it was originally intended by pioneers like Reg Revans.'


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Enabling YOU to make a difference in OUR world